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Chelsea Gentry

Women’s Leadership and Wellness Coaching

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Brings a sense of wonder that fuels confidence & self-appreciation Takes a holistic approach to organizational & individual effectiveness Combines wit & playfulness as a gateway to connection & transformation

Brings a sense of wonder that fuels confidence and self-appreciation Takes a holistic approach to organizational and individual effectiveness Combines humor, wit, and playfulness as a gateway to connection and transformation

Offerings as a WYLD Guide

  • Coaching
  • Workshops and Retreats
  • Keynotes and Speaking Engagements


Chelsea has built a career in the wellness space leading teams at the national level and working directly with clients to transform their relationship with their bodies and health. During her partnership with a leadership education company, Chelsea was introduced to CliftonStrengths. It had such a significant impact that she knew this was the tool she wanted to use to have deeper conversations with clients about their lives, work, and well-being. Chelsea soon became a Gallup-certified Strengths coach, founded her own company, and began working with executives, leaders at all levels, and groups across industries. Chelsea has supported teams in living into their values by deepening their understanding of their unique contributions and developing strategies for applying them to improve communication, collaboration, engagement, and belonging. Chelsea has guided individual clients in landing their dream jobs, navigating life and career transitions, and saying yes to their unique purpose. Chelsea is committed to supporting women, LGBTQ+ folks, and anyone historically excluded. Although originally from a small town in Georgia, and after spending enough years in New York to consider it home, Chelsea now lives in Los Angeles.


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  • Certified CliftonStrengths Coach, Gallup
  • Dare to Lead™ Trained, Brené Brown
  • CPT & Fitness Nutrition Specialist, National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • B.F.A. Dance, The Ohio State University
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  • Founder, Chelsea Gentry Consulting
  • Head of People and Operations, Leadology
  • National Director of Employee Experience, Flywheel Sports
  • Senior Director and Coach in the boutique fitness space for 10+ years supporting 2,000+ clients

Recent clients

Founder of a Luxury
Travel Organization

Full-Time Mother Transitioning
Back into The Workplace

Director of a
Wellness Organization


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  • Way of Integrity by Martha Beck
  • Daring Leadership by Brené Brown (really all of Brené’s work!) 
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey 

One session with Chelsea can shift your entire perspective about yourself and your career. She's intuitive, warm, a great listener, and most importantly is able to pull out the uniqueness of each person so you're empowered to navigate the world using the talents that energize you most.

Chelsea brings so much warmth and compassion into her coaching. Her style is affirmative and empowering. From just a few sessions, I was able to see what needed to change in my life and take the next steps. If you’re looking for support in making new decisions, if you want to feel validated for your experiences, or see your life from a different perspective, I highly recommend working with Chelsea.

I am a pretty self-aware person. And I would even say that I’m great at interviews. And then I had my session with Chelsea. She gave me the gift of understanding my strengths in a way that I could never have imagined. After our session, I had language to describe my leadership style, knew my core values, and was able to talk about myself in an elevated way. I have her to thank for the dream job I have today.

My favorite thing about Chelsea is that she created such a warm and open space for me to drop in and analyze my thoughts about the results in my strengths report. Instead of imposing too many ideas on me initially, she guided me to make my own conclusions, which felt so empowering and refreshing! She is also authentic and clearly cares about the people she works with on a deeper level.

Chelsea’s gentle guidance helped me more clearly see and deeply value my uniqueness. She illuminated nuances in my report and the understanding I gained has given me the confidence to step more fully into my authenticity and let go of striving to be good at the things that drain me. Learning to be who I’m designed to be has given me life changing peace and ease I hope everyone can come to experience.

- Workshop participant and coaching client
- Coaching client
- Coaching client
- Workshop participant
- Coaching client
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