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Kristin Meek

Executive Coaching

Location: Middleburg, VA

Wise and direct approach that initiates forward mometum Understands big picture and distills truth with speed and depth The “velvet hammer”- uses potent and poetic language to stick the landing for learning application

Wise and direct approach that initiates forward momentum Understands big picture and distills truth with speed and depth The “velvet hammer”- uses potent and poetic language to stick the landing for learning application

Offerings as a WYLD Guide

  • Coaching
  • Select Workshops and Retreats


After consulting businesses and K-12 institutions for over a decade, Kristin became disenchanted with the artificiality and standardized tone she often saw in leadership development training. She sought to disrupt and optimize the way learning environments are designed. In 2013, Kristin founded WYLD with the belief that adults and children alike, grow most when learning is rooted in nature, appreciative inquiry, and embodied experiences.

She combines her academic knowledge of Positive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Behavioral Economics with a rich background in curriculum design, coaching, and contemplative practices.

Having facilitated 300+ teams, coached 5000+ individuals - 1000+ executives - Kristin has an artistry and actionable wisdom that enhances the measurable and immeasurable drivers of workplace performance and holistic well-being.

Kristin lives at Turtle Dove Farm in Delaplane, VA with her husband, Sam, and her two children, Oliver and Story Jane. Here she hosts personal retreats, corporate workshops, and private gatherings – all intentionally inspired by WYLD’s best practices.


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  • Certified CliftonStrengths Coach, Gallup
  • Certified Entrepreneurial Coach, Gallup
  • 400+ Hours of Coaching & Leadership Coursework, Coaching Training Institute
  • Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, University of Pennsylvania 
  • B.A. Psychology, Duke University 
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  • Owner & Event Designer, Turtle Dove Farm

  • Founder & Former CEO, WYLD 
  • Consultant, Gallup Organization
  • C0-Founder, The Strengths Lab 

Recent clients

CFO at a Multi Strategy
Investment Firm

COO and Founder at an
Experiential Marketing and
Technology Organization

CPO at a Healthcare
Technology Organization


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  • Power of Moments by Dan and Chip Heath
  • Culture Code by Daniel Coyle 
  • Bird by Bird by Anne Lammot 
  • Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Kristin has had a tremendous impact on my life – both personally and professionally. During the time that I’ve worked with Kristin, I’ve changed the way I show up at work, for my team, for my family and for those I love. She has the greatest gift for tapping into those “oh my gosh” moments that change the way you look at and approach a situation. She’s worked with me through the most formative and transformational periods of my life and has helped guide me through periods of tremendous (and at times terribly uncomfortable) periods of growth and change. She lovingly and wisely guides – never staying away from the tough topics and always teaching with powerful wisdom.

As a seasoned leader working in both corporate and scaling start up environments, Kristin’s get it factor is tremendous. She can assess the macro culture of a workplace while also zeroing in on specific individuals and their talent dynamics. She has made me a better manager and a truly better communicator, even my spouse has commented. She has a holistic lens, nothing is off the table, and I always leave our sessions with clear takeaways of how to experiment and implement some things to optimize myself at work and often even at home. I am refreshed, refocused, and reset each time we connect.

I’ve had many mentors and teachers but none have struck a chord like Kristin. She knows exactly how to combine her deep expertise, warm personality and broad network to guide you to your best path. Kristin has opened doors for me that I didn’t think were possible.

Kristin was really good at being patient, not overselling the strengths, and just giving the facts. Her consistency in responses also made me trust her word and I was able to put any skepticism aside early on to focus solely on learning. Her down to earth nature made me comfortable to be myself and focus on learning as well. I would highly recommend Kristin to any of my clients, friends, family members, etc.

Kristin is the eternal Mama Bear and Great Sage. Her vision and leadership are changing lives which is the noblest thing possible. I look forward to any opportunity to work with her again.

Kristin was an amazing teacher and mentor who inspired me not only to leverage my own strengths and honor the strengths of others, but to center my approach in positive psychology more generally. She was an especially effective guide for me and I appreciated her style, her communication, and her flexibility with the group to meet us where we were in all senses. I'm so inspired by Kristin and everything she does. I want to be her when I grow up

Magical" is the word I've used the most to describe Kristin. I learned a ton from watching her redirect energy into intention, take time to hear and absorb others' messages, provide clear and meaningful feedback, and adapt your plan to the group's needs. I felt so cared for, safe, but appropriately challenged during the WYLD experience - thanks!

- Coaching client
- Coaching client
- Workshop participant & coaching client
- Workshop participant
- Women’s retreat participant
- Train the trainer workshop participant
- Retreat participant
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