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Kelly Lynch

Expertise: Creativity through art, symbols, dreams and the imagination

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Bridge between the visible and the invisible Brings an artist’s eye and a scientist’s mind Facilitates vital connections between the body, mind, heart and soul

Bridge between the visible and the invisible (Her work is) alchemy for the body, mind and heart Facilitates vital connections between the body, mind and soul

Offerings as a WYLD Sage

  • Coaching
  • Workshops and Retreats


Kelly's leadership roles inside some of the world's largest organizations inspired her to build a professional coaching and leadership development practice that helps individuals identify, integrate and actualize their natural strengths as leaders. An expert in the science of emotion and the alchemy of the human heart, soul, body and mind, Kelly guides her clients to break free of the unconscious and limiting patterns of thought and behavior.

Kelly’s work weaves practical applications from neuroscience, archetypal psychology, myth, as well as dreams and imagination to create living symbols for transformation. One of her passions is using art as a tool in her practice, enabling her clients to see and understand themselves more deeply.


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  • Gallup-Certified CliftonStrengths Coach, Gallup
  • Creativity through art and symbols
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  • Principal at Kelly Lynch and Associates

Recent clients

Founder of a Leadership Development Organization

Co-Founder and Principal of a Marketing and Communications Consulting Firm

Principal of a Technical
Services Company


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  • Marion Woodman, Addicted to Perfection 
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  • Mother Nature
  • Talking to teenagers
  • Womankind Magazine – quality mag, no ads, great articles, beautiful images. Once I’m done reading, I recycle every last page making collage art

To be coached by Kelly is to journey through the landscapes of your heart, mind and soul with a supportive partner in discovery and transformation. Kelly brings her whole self to her work and offers her clients creative energy, fierce intuition and wisdom rooted in both ancient traditions and modern tools. I am a business professional and former lawyer, and my work with Kelly has helped me understand my values, strengths and archetypal patterns and use those insights to inspire my personal and professional growth. I experience each of our coaching conversations as a kind of co-created poetry, revealing truths about myself and moving me to act and change.

Coaching has been, for me, an embodied experience. I wrote that “plants sometimes look like they’re going to wither and die, their leaves dry and curled, distressed, probably feeling like they can't go on. Then they get a big drink of water, and seemingly overnight they’re lush, full, bigger than ever and stretching towards the sun again. Talking to Kelly can be that big drink of water for me, but through working with her I have also been learning how to water the garden of my own spirit. After a really good call, I feel like I’m walking on air, my chest is aloft, I’m positively thrumming with energy and potential. This is by no means an exaggeration, and it’s not any kind of flimsy feel-goodery. The feeling comes from doing good, hard work. To know myself better, to find my strengths, sidle up to them and give them a big hug. I’m tiptoe-ing toward what it is that I am meant to do.

Working with Kelly has been a profoundly moving experience. From our very first meeting, she created a safe and powerful space for me to plunge the depths of my soul and expand my consciousness. Both coach and guide, Kelly infuses our sessions with ancient wisdom teachings that have turbo-charged my growth a thousandfold. In our short time together, I have made leaps and bounds that I never envisioned. Above all, it is Kelly's presence that has had the greatest impact on me. By showing up so completely for me in our sessions, she continually invites me to deepen my own self-awareness, self-compassion, and sense of purpose, and to manifest that purpose out in the world. I cannot recommend her highly enough.

For those who do not know Kelly, she is one of the OG WYLD Guides and a current WYLD Sage. She is pure magic. As a teacher and expert in the alchemy of the human heart, body, and mind, she reminds us of our powerful connection with Mother Nature and with the universal spirit that surrounds and supports us. She has been a guide and an anchor for me on my personal journey back to self, helping me to rediscover my light and share the gifts of my inner mystic. Being on this journey has reminded me of my power, resiliency, and magic, encouraging me to shine my light brighter and pave a path that aligns with the life and career I want to build.

My work with Kelly has changed me in ways that I know will have a lasting and positive effect in my life. I came to her for coaching on how I could become a more masterful coach. I received this and more. She has helped me gain perspective on what is important for me, and to live my life from that place. Kelly has helped me see myself in a different way, opening up opportunities and possibilities I didn’t know existed for me. Thought patterns that have plagued me for years have now been replaced with new patterns, new ways of thinking, and full access to who I really am. I don’t know how I can ever thank Kelly enough for what she has done for me, and I am most grateful to her and her gifts.

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- Coaching client
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