
Hannah Baker Robinson

From Head-Hunter to Edge-Walker

From Head-Hunter to Edge-Walker

Kath Roberts left the corporate world to become the spiritual teacher she is today. She founded Alchemy 4 The Soul, co-founded the Art of Leadership, and is the incredibly talented practitioner that trained Hannah and Kristin in color therapy.

We asked what Letting Go was all about for her. Here’s what she had to say.

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As a child I had 2 things going for me, a thirst for knowledge and the love of learning with a fascination for the curious and the unexplainable. My mother said I would go on to achieve everything I set out to do because of a steely determination and an incredibly stubborn nature. Apparently I’d collect and curate things…books, pictures, pebbles and shells, dried leaves and dead things…..anything and everything. I thought every child was like that!

So what does this have to do with letting go?

Letting go for me is all about surrendering in to who you are becoming; it’s about getting still enough to listen to the quiet reassuring voice inside of you that says follow me when your ego has other plans and directions. It involves exploring your wildest dreams of a life not yet discovered and a person you can’t quite yet see let alone embody.

If anyone would have told me 10 years ago I would be kissing goodbye to a high-flying corporate career where I’d climbed the ladder to the lofty heights of Managing Director for a profitable and sizeable arm of an international PLC in exchange for discovering the unpaid, uncertain and untrodden path I would have dismissed them outright but that’s exactly what happened.


Bit by bit I surrendered to a knowing that grew reliably stronger and more predictable and I started to say “yes” instead of “hell …no way.”

Becoming a spiritual teacher & facilitator of colour, fire-walks, glass-bed meditations and such and redesigning new ways of working and being in a leadership sense meant letting go of all my attachments to needing to know everything and getting out of my ever busy mind. It also meant letting go of my many judgements about the rather strange spiritual folk with their feathers and crystals and their colourful garb. It wasn’t an easy surrender, my ego kicked and screamed for attention, she was convinced that if I came out of the closet I’d be ridiculed and persecuted for revealing and honouring that true higher self. This was the one who believed in and spoke with other dimensions, followed nature for synchronous occurrences and messages, had prophetic dreams that came true and felt energies and the feelings of others in her body whilst channelling their loved ones for messages of comfort.

Walking in the heat

Becoming a spiritual teacher & facilitator of colour, fire-walks, glass-bed meditations and such and redesigning new ways of working and being in a leadership sense meant letting go of all my attachments to needing to know everything and getting out of my ever busy mind. It also meant letting go of my many judgements about the rather strange spiritual folk with their feathers and crystals and their colourful garb. It wasn’t an easy surrender, my ego kicked and screamed for attention, she was convinced that if I came out of the closet I’d be ridiculed and persecuted for revealing and honouring that true higher self. This was the one who believed in and spoke with other dimensions, followed nature for synchronous occurrences and messages, had prophetic dreams that came true and felt energies and the feelings of others in her body whilst channelling their loved ones for messages of comfort.

Every surrender was a huge initiation. But with every step forward, I learnt the most profound and ironic thing; that when we value, honour and reveal our most vulnerable self and claim our wise teacher we receive the love and adoration beyond our wildest expectations precisely because we’re not looking for that – we’ve just become it. That I know now and teach is an inward journey – and the pathway back to love and colour was my teacher of choice for full embodiment. The journey from the head to the heart where the body wisdom is revealed is the longest journey you’ll ever make in life. For me, it took time to heal my unconscious “wounds” and all those survival fears and many separations and to accept and then celebrate my ancestral lineage. We had a heap of skeletons in our cupboard!

I had to acknowledge all my unexpressed feelings – lifetimes of frozen emotions in my light-body that were literally weighing down my physical self and impacting my overall health and well-being. Blogging about what I was learning helped me to integrate my level of understanding and this became a rewarding and cathartic process in itself.

Now I get to walk others back home and rather revere being that curious, unusual and very colourful edge-walker!

 Check out Kath’s company, Alchemy 4 The Soul here


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